Understanding the Process of Registering a Death in Ghana

The loss of a loved one is a challenging time for families, and navigating the administrative requirements can add an extra layer of stress. In Ghana, the registration of deaths is governed by the "Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 2020,"

The Genetic Link: Do Surrogate Babies Share Their Carrier’s DNA?

In the world of surrogacy and assisted reproduction, a question that often comes up among people who know someone involved in this field is: Does the baby share DNA with the surrogate mother?

Exploring Gestational Surrogacy Contracts in Ghana

Gestational surrogacy is a process through which a surrogate mother carries and delivers a child for another couple or individual, known as the intended parents.

What Do I Do if I Am Served With A Divorce Petition?(podcast)

It is advisable to seek the services of a divorce lawyer even though you may represent yourself in a divorce trial. It is not advisable to.....

Getting Married Under the Ordinance in Ghana: A Brief Guide

Getting married under the Ordinance in Ghana is a process governed by the Marriages Act. This article outlines the steps to ensure your marriage is legally recognized.

Can A Jobless Parent Be Awarded Custody Of A Child?(podcast)

The court takes into consideration several factors when awarding custody. Being unemployed is not one of them....

Customary Adoption and Inheritance in Ghana

Customary adoption in Ghana is a form of adoption that is deeply rooted in the cultural and traditional practices of the country's various ethnic groups.

The Constitutional Perspective on Family Law in Ghana

Family law in Ghana is deeply intertwined with the principles laid out in the Constitution of the Fourth Republic of Ghana, established in 1992

Can I Request For A Mental Health Evaluation of My Spouse In A Child Custody Hearing?(podcast)

Divorces are difficult to begin with. It becomes even more difficult when you are dealing with a spouse who has a mental illness......

What type of interim orders can a judge award in a family court in ghana?(podcast)

An example of such an order is maintenance pending suit.....
