
Can I be awarded temporal spousal support during the pendency of a divorce proceeding?

Can I be awarded temporal spousal support during the pendency of a divorce proceeding?




Can I be awarded temporal spousal support during the pendency of a divorce proceeding?

When a couple enters a marriage, it is common for the couple to experience career and lifestyle changes.
These decisions are sometimes made in the best interest of the marriage or family. For example, these compromises can include: one spouse leaving the workforce (his or her job) to be a stay at home parent, one spouse taking a lower paying job to make time for family and children.

During the divorce proceedings, one spouse may be left financially vulnerable because he or she may not have the training and experience to re-enter the workforce to earn a decent salary or wage. In such a situation, the court may order temporal spousal support during the pendency of the divorce case.

This application is done by either the husband or wife who claims to be in need of the financial provision, which can be awarded in the interim to meet the immediate needs of the party who applies for it. No award would be made until the court has considered the standard of living of the parties and their circumstances.

The investigation into the finances of both parties may be dispensed with if the parties agree or consent to the amount to be awarded. However, in many cases the decision is left to the court to determine.

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