
Legal notices

Home / Practice areas / Civil litigation


Legal Empire

Postal Address:
P. O. Box YK 1309
Accra – Ghana

Office Location:
H/No F144/5, 2nd Soula Street
Peter Ala Adjetey Avenue
Near Morning Star School
North Labone
Accra – Ghana

Phone numbers:
Phone +233 30 278 3843
Mobile +233 24 452 3992


Client Engagement

No client-lawyer relationship and no contract or agreement between you and us is created by your use of this website. The only way to become a client of Legal Empire is through a mutual agreement in writing between you and us after we have completed our standard new client take on procedures. If you are interested in becoming a client of the firm, please contact us so that we can determine whether your matter is one with which we can assist you.

No responsibility is assumed and no liability is accepted for information that is supplied or for services that are rendered to someone who is not a client of the firm (including someone using this website) unless in writing we have expressly agreed otherwise. Please do not provide us with confidential, sensitive or legally privileged information before we have carried out and completed our conflict checks unless we ask you to do so. This is because if you provide information to us on an unsolicited basis and it is or might be relevant to the matter of a current client, we may be required to disclose it to the current client.

Advice is given and services are provided to our clients on the basis of the relevant engagement letter and our terms of business. By instructing the firm, clients confirm their agreement to the firm’s engagement letter and terms of business.

Electronic Communication

Electronic communication carries with it certain risks: it might be insecure, intercepted, carry viruses, distort during transmission or arrive late or not at all. Anyone who communicates with us electronically, or who does not expressly prohibit such communication, will be assumed to accept the associated risks. By using email or fax to communicate with us you consent to us communicating with you in the same manner. Unless in writing you expressly prohibit electronic communication, we may use email and/or fax to communicate with you and others involved in your matter. We accept no liability for any inadvertent breach of confidence or privilege, or for any loss or damage that occurs as a result communication by email or fax.

Emails we send to you will not be encrypted unless we inform you otherwise. We use anti-virus systems and software but we accept no liability for viruses. We expect you to use, and rely on, your own anti-virus software. We recommend that you scan all emails and any attachments for viruses before opening them. We also recommend that you confirm any advice received by email before acting on it.

We monitor electronic communications (including email) in order to protect our business and our clients and to ensure that our legal and regulatory obligations and our internal policies and procedures are being complied with.

We may alter these terms of use at any time by publishing new terms on this website, following which all use of the website will be governed by the new terms. You should check this page from time to time and take note of any changes we make, as they will be legally binding on you.

Exclusions of liability

Whilst we believe, and have taken reasonable measures to ensure, that this website is free of viruses, use of this website is at your own risk. Liability for loss or damage arising from your use of this website is excluded to the extent permitted by law. Whilst we have taken reasonable care to ensure that the content of this website (and of publications deployed on it) is accurate and complete, the information on this website (and in those publications) is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. All liability for loss or damage arising from reliance on it is excluded to the extent permitted by law.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights: copyright in (and any other intellectual property rights that attach to) the content of this website or the publications on it (including, without limitation, the ‘Legal Empire’, and ‘LE’ marks, logos and branding) is owned by Legal Empire. You may download and temporarily store pages from this website for the sole purpose of viewing them. You may also print any publication on this website so long as it is a complete copy, no amendment is made to it and it is only for personal use or use within your own organisation and the use made of it is lawful. None of the content of this website or of the publications deployed on it, whether or not permission is granted for downloading, printing or circulation, may be used for the purpose of commercial exploitation, or for an illegal purpose. Any other copying, transmission, distribution, storage or use of such content is prohibited without Legal Empire’s prior written consent.


Publications deployed on this website provide general information only. They must not be relied on as legal or professional advice. They might not contain exhaustive statements of the law, they might not be up to date and the information they contain might not be appropriate for your matter or circumstances. Users of this website who are located abroad should also be aware that laws and regulations may be different outside Ghana. Before acting or omitting to act, you should take specific legal advice on any particular matter that concerns you. If you would like legal advice or legal assistance from us, please contact us.

Electronic links

Electronic links to this website are prohibited without the prior written permission of Legal Empire. Any links to other websites provided by this website have been included for convenience only. Such links do not imply endorsement by Legal Empire of the linked website, its provider or its content. We accept no liability for the content of, or for any loss or damage caused by access to, use of, reliance on or software downloaded from, any linked website.

Legal Empire shall not be held responsible for the contents, advertising, information, communication, opinions or manifestations, of any sort, presented by third-party collaborators, companies or organisations that may be reached through this site.

Fraud and Cybercrime

Fraud, and in particular cyber-crime, are on the increase worldwide. In common with many business, including a large number of other law firms, the name of this firm and of individual lawyers who work for us have on occasions been used by criminals without our knowledge or permission in an attempt to carry out scams and frauds on members of the public worldwide. Some common scams are mentioned below.

Always be on the look-out for criminal conduct to ensure that you do not become a victim. If something looks unusual or suspicious (for example, if it is written in poor English, a business is using consumer facing email accounts like Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, or contact details in a communication do not accord with the publicly available contact details of that organisation) either ignore it and delete it or destroy it, or proceed with caution and investigate it thoroughly before acting on it.

Always verify the identity and assess the possible motives of anyone who contacts you on an unsolicited basis. Remember also that a fraudster might be trying to impersonate either someone you know, or someone you would normally expect to be on your side, for example, a bank employee, a police officer, or a lawyer (including us). If something sounds too good to be true (a surprise windfall, for example), usually it is not true. Do not hand over money, or disclose personal or financial information, unless you know who you are dealing with and their true intentions.

Fraudsters often use email to perpetrate their scams, so treat unsolicited emails with particular care. Sometimes other forms of communication are also used to initiate a scam, including text, fax, letter and telephone. Often the initial email or other communication will either promise the recipient a share of a large sum of money (from a dead person’s estate, an insurance policy, or a lottery win, for example) in return for paying a modest sum, an ‘administration fee’, up front (an ‘advance fee’ type fraud), or it will request personal or financial information about the recipient or their bank account allegedly in order to check their account is working correctly or so that non-existent money can be paid in to it (an ‘identity theft’ type fraud).

Without their knowledge or permission, fraudsters sometimes mention in their communications the involvement of a legitimate law firm or a legitimate lawyer in an attempt to give legitimacy and credibility to their scam and/or to try and lull their potential victim into a false sense of security. Sometimes fraudsters’ communications will also direct the recipient to a bogus website and/or a bogus social media account that intentionally replicates the look and feel of the website or social media account of a legitimate business or law firm. Such copies (clones) are created without the knowledge or permission of the legitimate business and in an attempt to give legitimacy or respectability to the scam. Never seek to verify the existence or involvement in a transaction of a law firm or lawyer by using contact details contained in an unsolicited communication: always use a public search engine, such as Google.

We are aware that on occasions, the name of this firm, and of lawyers who work for us, and clones of our website, could potentially be  used by fraudsters without our knowledge or permission. Please note that we only practice under the firm name ‘Legal Empire . If you receive a communication which purports to come from, or which mentions, a firm which has a similar but not identical name to us, or which has the same name but different contact details (address, telephone number, fax number, email address and/or website address) it will not have come from us or have been sent by us, on our behalf or with our knowledge or permission. Similarly, our website, and the email addresses which we operate, only use the domain name ‘@legalempiregh’. If a website or email address uses a different domain name, including a similar but not identical domain name, it will not belong to us and will be nothing to do with us.

We are also aware that fraudsters sometimes seek to intercept legitimate payments and divert them to their own bank account. Often they will do this by ‘hacking’ an individual’s email account (in particular consumer facing emails accounts like Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo) and then changing the bank account details which appear in an otherwise legitimate email. We will never use email to notify you of a change to bank account details which we have already provided to you (in our engagement letter and on the back of our invoices). Any email appearing to come from us which seeks to do this will not be genuine. Do not act on it or reply to it, and instead contact us immediately by telephone: do not use email to contact us in case the fraudsters have compromised your email account and are monitoring the emails you send and receive. Please note that we will not accept responsibility if you transfer money into a bank account which does not belong to Legal Empire.

If you receive an email or other communication purporting to come from Legal Empire, or from someone holding themselves out as being a member of or agent of Legal Empire or if you are directed to a website or social media account which purports to belong to this firm, and you have suspicions about it, before taking any action please either contact the firm member you normally deal with or email info@legalempiregh.com We will then tell you whether the communication came from us or whether it is our website or our social media account. Never take risks: if you have even the slightest concern, report it to us before acting on it.

Governing Law

All issues and disputes relating to this website, its content or the content of any publication deployed on it shall be governed by laws of Ghana.